Processing the 2020 U.S. Election

Processing the election

Monday, November 30, 2020
5 – 6:30 PM EST
Hosted on Zoom

The election is over…now what? Join Rutgers University–New Brunswick and Princeton University for a conversation about wellness, positive healing strategies, and social justice work post-election. Following the event, participants can continue the conversation in small group-processing spaces via Zoom.

Processing the 2020 U.S. Election is open to all and designed to be a neutral and inclusive space focused on listening and sharing feelings, values, and hopes salient to our individual experiences.

Featured Guests

Rosa Alicia Clemente
Keynote Speaker

This dialogue will be led by our keynote speaker, Rosa Alicia Clemente. Rosa is a Black-Puerto Rican woman born and raised in the Bronx, NY. She is an organizer, producer, independent journalist and scholar-activist. Rosa was also the first-ever Afro-Latina woman to run for Vice-President of the United States in 2008 on the Green Party ticket.

Joan Collier, Ph.D.
Q&A Moderator

A Q&A with Rosa will be moderated by Joan Collier, Ph.D., Director of Institutional Equity and Strategic Initiatives at the Office of the Senior Vice President for Equity and the Division of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement.

Processing Spaces for After the Event

Interfaith SpaceCCC_Processing the 2020 U.S. Election_F20_RU_Social Post_Rosa

A conversation about spiritual wellness facilitated by Rutgers and Princeton chaplains.

Mental Health Space

A conversation about mental wellness facilitated by Rutgers CAPS and Princeton counselors.

Community Space

An open conversation facilitated by Rutgers Cultural Center Collaborative and Princeton staff.


This event is part of the Cultural Center Collaborative’s ongoing Cultural Holistic Wellness Initiative. It was created in partnership with Princeton University, Office for Diversity and Inclusion Campus Life, Carl A. Fields Center for Equality + Cultural Understanding, and Mathey College. The event is supported by the Rutgers Committee to Advance our Common Purposes Grant.